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Principles of good maize cultivation

Maize is an important crop grown in tropical areas. The crop is also grown in fermented soils at pH 6-6.5. but also thrives in areas with an altitude of 2500.

The first rule - to prepare the field in advance
Prepare a field for maize immediately after harvesting last season's crop.
Maize thrives in fertile and water-resistant soils.
Fire should not be used when preparing a field.

Benefits of preparing a field early
After harvesting, the soil is still soft so it is easily plowed with any plow.
The remainder that will be covered on the ground will rot sooner.
Reduces weeds.
Reduces pests.

The second principle; to know when to plant the seeds in a uniform manner.
The planting season is confusing as the rain is unpredictable, If the rains show the same times and seasons of the year then the following calendar shows the yield of their maize plants in your area.

Mbeya and surrounding areas, early November to December late.
Morogoro and surrounding areas, January mid-February to mid-February
Iringa and surrounding areas, mid-November to late December
Talk to the surrounding area, mid-November to early January.

Early planting of maize is important as the potential for high yields is high. For very large plantations the planting time should be one week before the rain starts and should not exceed two weeks before the rains.

It should not be too early as the seeds will be destroyed by the heat between the soil, insects, rodents, birds and other animals.

Benefits of early planting
Maize gets enough rain until maturity.
Diseases such as leaf streak will not occur or will be sporadic.
The fertilizer you put in will melt together and the corn will grow well.
The third principle is to choose the best seeds
The best seeds are those that are professionally produced.
It's clean they are free of pests.
It produces many crops.
Resists disease.

Types of seeds
Hybrid seed
Single sibling (synthetic)
Seed composite
Modern seeds used properly in agricultural grounds have the potential to produce 50-80 sacks or 5.5 - 7.5 tons per hectare or stand per hectare.

Recommendations for planting seeds
There are many modern seeds available in the market eg SIDCO, PANNAR, CHOTARA, from KENYA etc. It is best to follow the advice of agricultural experts.

Rule four plant
The number of plants in the area is important as it is increasing
Yields decrease.
The plant is blown away by the wind
Many stalks do not produce.
When the number of plants declines in the area, the yield is lowered.

The amount of the plant
Maize seeds are stored in a pesticide (poison.) The amount of 20 kg (20 kg) of seed is sufficient to plant one hectare.

Space to climb.
75cm x 30cm
75cm x 60cm
90cm x 25cm
90cm x 50cm

Principle five; use fertilizer
Maize flourishes and reproduces well if it is provided with fertilizers and other good agricultural practices. If you plant good seed without fertilizer it is useless.

There are two main types of fertilizers
Natural fertilizers eg; manure, compost and raw leaves, these fertilizers contain enough unknown nutrients.

Manufactured fertilizers, these grow with sufficient nutrients and doses are known, this helps to know how much to use.
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